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A little about me:
Location: Baltimore, MD area
Profession: Multiple Small Business Owner
Education: BS University of Maryland, MBA University of Baltimore
Hobbies and Interests: Running my companies, spending time with my family, fishing, trap and skeet shooting, home brewing beer, blues music,
chess, and playing the harmonica and the guitar. Some of my son Michael's friends have dubbed our house "Watts Manor, Blues Bar, and Micro-Brewery"
I have been married to my beautiful wife Sharon
since 1974, and we have three sons.

Sharon with two of our grandchildren, Elaine and Emily.
My Three Sons.
My eldest son, Dr. Michael Watts (born 1975, left), graduated from the
of Maryland in College Park, MD, and then from
the The Virginia - Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine in
Blacksburg, VA. Michael is now the Director of
the Centreville Animal Hospital in Centreville,
VA He is married to Maureen and they have
three daughters - Emily, Elaine, and Rebecca.
These are form Michael:
The Top Ten Reasons I'm a Veterinarian
10. To gain decorative scars about the hands, arms, and face
9. So I can get paid half as much as an M.D. for twice the work
8. Because you can muzzle viscous animals, but people...
7. I thought I was in law school
6. Because formaldehyde makes me feel sexy
5. Because its a zoo out there
4. For the tremendous cultural respect showered upon vets
3. Because I can express anal glands better than I can express my feelings
2. Because I like 8 day weeks
1. I want to hear "Why didn't you become a REAL doctor" for the rest of my life
The Top Ten Reasons I'm a Veterinarian Instead Of an
MD. (list #2)
10. I don't know how to golf
9. I wanted to disappoint my parents
8. I wouldn't kill my grandmother to get an A in med
7. I would rather rectal a cow than a human
6. As a vet, I can say "bitch" multiple times each day and no one will take offense
5. I really care about my patients
4. My ego isn't big enough to be an MD
3. People are generally more vicious than the nastiest animal I have ever worked with
2. I'm not a wimp who wants to spend twice the time learning one eighth the material
1. REAL doctors treat more than one species!!!
My middle son, Joseph Watts (born 1978, center), graduated from
Boston College
(where do you think that is?) and is now at the Medical College of Virginia
in Richmond, VA. pursuing a PhD in
Biochemistry. He married Kristen
Gonzales in June of 2002.
My youngest son, Patrick Watts (born 1983, right), is
attending Notre
Dame University in South Bend, IN. and is
interested in studying law. Patrick has been
my skeet partner since he was 13 and usually
out shoots me, using a pump shotgun no less.
We shoot together whenever he gets home, and play
chess over the internet while he's away.
Here is my latest clays gun - a Browning Citori
Ultra XS over and under with 30" ported barrels
Here are some of my favorite web sites:
Coastal Builders' Home Page is the home page of my remodeling business.
HarpTalk Home Page -- if you're interested in harmonica this is THE place on the Internet for harp discussions -- If you had to pay for the information available here you couldn't afford it!
Blues-Link's Blues Links one of the best sites for blues links I've found -- very comprehensive.
I like Huang "Star Performer" Harmonicas and Suzuki Promasters (the best of all I've tried) and they're affordable, I fact you can buy them from Coast to Coast Music right over the internet at the best prices you'll find anywhere.
Doug Puls has great instructional material for harmonica beginners, so if that's you, you should visit his web site.
Another good harmonica site is SPAH, The Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica -- give it a try. They maintain a long list of links to harmonica related sites (including this one!)
If you would like to find out who's playing blues in DC or Baltimore, try The Baltimore Blues Society , The DC Blues Society for local listings.