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Blues, Rock, Country |
These popular types of music are unusually played on a 10 hole diatonic harmonica. This is the instrument most people think of when you mention a harmonica, and this is the type most of us had as kids. They are also the most popular type of harmonica. Click Here to Jump to the Diatonic Section for more information and help with playing Blues, Rock, and Country Music.
Jazz, Pop, Classical |
These types of music are usually played on a chromatic harmonica. These harmonicas are larger than diatonics and tuned a little differently. They have a slide button to allow you to play sharps and flats. Normally they are used when you want to play the melody of a song. Click Here to Jump to the Chromatic Section for more information and help with playing Jazz, Pop, & Classical.
Folk, World, Ethnic
These music types are often played on Double Reed harmonicas including Tremolo and Octave harmonicas. These types of harmonicas are very popular in Asian and Hispanic communities, and are used to play a wide variety of folk and ethnic music. Click here to jump to the Double Reed Section to learn more about how to play these instruments and musical styles.
Harmonica Orchestra
Harmonica Orchestras use any or all of the other types of harmonicas, as well as some specialized types for rhythm and bass playing. Orchestras also play all types of music, but frequently play pop standards, and were very popular in the 1930's and 1940's. Click here to jump to the Orchestral Section for more facts and help with orchestral harmonicas.
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