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American Harmonica Newsmagazine
AHN displays a broad cross section of harmonica interests in the United States. Reader contributions are regularly published, along with items of harmonica interest cut out of newspapers. There are also regular instructional columns, ads and features on new products, letters and frequent artist features.
Contact: Mr Alan W Eichler, Mr Phil Lloyd
104 Highland Ave
Battle Creek
MI 49015-3272
Phone: 616-962-2989
Email: PhilHarpn@aol.com
Subscription Cost: $24.00
Issues/year: Monthly
Easy Reeding
Easy Reeding is put out by Hohner USA and seems to come out on a 'whenever' basis. Features about players and conventions, awards, etc.
Contact: Toni Radler, Editor
P.O Box 15035
VA 23227-0435
Phone: 804-550-2700
Web Page: http://hohnerusa.com/2000/er/index.html
Subscription Cost: $10 initiation fee, free thereafter in the U.S.
Issues/year: Published on an occassional basis
Harmonica Happenings
SPAH publishes a quarterly newsletter called 'Harmonica Happenings.' It is a black and white publication in 8.5' x 11' format on semi-glossy stock, distributed by first class mail to every SPAH member. Each issue consists of 16 to 24 pages, including photographs. Regular columns include 'President Speaks,' 'Inside SPAH,' 'Convention Update,' 'International News,' 'U.S. Happenings,' 'Special Feature,' 'Youth Education,' 'Letterbox,' 'Newsy Notes,' 'Industry News,' 'Product Reviews,' 'Harmonicist Profile,' 'Harmonica Calendar,' 'Advertisers,' and 'Questions and Answers.' Contributing writers include world famous harmonica players and authors such as Phil Duncan, Kim Field, Joliet Joe Filisko, and Alan 'Blackie' Schackner.
Contact: SPAH, Inc
Dept W, PO Box 865
MI, 48099-0865
Email: HarpSPAH@aol.com
Web Page: http://members.aol.com/harmonica/
Subscription Cost: included with SPAH dues
Issues/year: Quarterly
Harmonica Information Publication (HIP)
Diatonic and chromatic technique, performance practices, theory, interviews, historical sketches, industry news, instrument reviews, record, video and book reviews (with harp keys). Oriented to all styles of music, but with strong blues content due to demand. Issue 4 is devoted to Howard Levy and overblowing technique.
HIP is highly regarded as having the most professional appearance and the best instructional material, but is slow in coming out. Relatively expensive, but packed with information (literally - the type is much smaller than in other publications and graphics are at a minimum). It is also the most widely distributed, with newsstand representation in both North America and Europe.
Other HIP products include a computer font for harmonica tablature, tuning diagrams for plotting out action patterns, transcriptions of Toots Thielemans jazz solos, various booklets on chromatic and diatonic techniques, the Discrete Comb for extending the bending abilities of Lee Oskar and Hohner MS diatonic harmonicas, and this resource guide. 40 pages plus covers, letter size, white paper
Contact: Winslow Yerxa, Editor and Publisher
Harmonica Information Press
203 14TH Ave
San Francisco
CA 94118-1007
Phone: 415-751-0212
Email: WinslowYerxa@compuserve.com
Web Page: http://www.angelfire.com/music2/harmonicainfo/
Subscription Cost: 6 issues per subscription series. $5.50 per issue. Subscriptions: $30 Canada US, Mexico, $51 airmail outside North America.
Mississippi Saxophone
The Amplified Harmonica Player's Magazine
Contact: Tim Moody
PO Box 12185
OR 97440
Phone: 503-726-5992
Subscription Cost: $12.00 US
Issues/year: Six
The Harmonica Educator
In 1994, 'The Harmonica Educator' was published by Richard Martin. Since 1994, there has been an excellent response to the publication, and the readership is growing. The Harmonica Educator has truly become an international publication. It is sent to readers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. The publication is dedicated to the advancement of harmonica education. There are up-to-date articles on teaching and playing the harmonica. Additionally, there are musical exercises, and performance pieces for solo and ensemble players at all levels of proficiency. There are a number of writers contributing articles on a wide range of harmonica related topics (e.g., harmonica tuning, construction of new harmonicas, harmonica history, rudiments of music, blues and diatonic harmonica playing, and beginning, intermediate and advanced level chromatic harmonica playing.
Contact: Mr Richard Martin
P.O. Box 340
North Hampton
OH 45349-0340
Phone: 937-964-1115
Fax: 937-964-1555
Email: Ri58066217@aol.com
Web Page: http://members.aol.com/heducator2/index.html
Subscription Cost: $33.00
Issues/year: Quarterly
The Hooter
'The Hooter' is a news letter published by the Dallas Chapter of the Harmonica Organization of Texas on a monthly or bimonthly basis as determined by the Editor.
Contact: Bev Windham
P.O. Box 261674
TX 75026
Email: HOOTnewsletter@aol.com
Web Page: http://www.hoottexas.com/
Subscription Cost: Contact the Editor
Issues/year: Monthly or Bimonthly