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10 Feet Tall !
I don't remember exactly when I began to play harp, but it was during the days of those very long guitar solos where as the singer, I had alot of extra time. Later as the number of band members became smaller, I began to play a lot of rhythm to help get a fuller sound. Things began to develop and I learned how to make sounds that made people say 'What the He## was that'. I am not a soloist nor as good as many, but you won't find anyone who enjoys or has more fun playing than I do. Oh yeah, I have no shame and will play anytime with anyone! In 1994 while vacationing in Myrtle Beach SC, I found a little blues club called Turtles and was told that 'Drink Small' would be there on Friday night. Not knowing what to expect I got there early and also gave a tape my band had just done to the club. When Drink got there he did his first set solo to about 10 people. When he came off stage I went over to meet him and get his autograph. As we sat talking the bartender put my tape on and I noticed him listening. After a few minutes he asked me if I knew who it was. When I told him it was me, he asked me if I had my gear with me. You will probably find my 53 Supro and harps in the trunk more frequently than a spare tire, so I said yes. He said his band would be there shortly and he wanted me to play with them. I remember about midnight they moved all the tables and chairs off the floor and there was a sea of faces in the windows of people who couldn't get in. I was having the greatest time of my life and you could just feel the energy in the room! When it was over Drink came over to me to shake my hand and said 'I've played with all the great harp players in my life, but none of them made me sound as good as you did tonight! Handing me his card he added anytime, anywhere come and play'. Well I left feeling ten feet tall wondering if I was going to fit inside my car!
Submitted by: Daniel 'Slim' Richardson
Email: georgiablew@aol.com
Story Type: Non-Fiction