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Mile High Harmonica Club
Contact: Geoffrey Chance, Past President
1800 Swadley St
CO 80215
Phone: (303) 237-8772
Email: GChance@aol.com
Web Page: http://members.aol.com/mhhclub
Omaha Metro Area Harmonica Arts
Hamonica club for all. Meet monthly.
Contact: Joe Hamblin (Newsletter)
3419 Faye Drive
NE, 68123
Phone: 402 291-7476
Fax: n/a
Email: HAMBLINJOE@aol.com
SPAH, The Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica, is an international non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Michigan in 1963, with a database of over 3000 harmonica aficionados from around the world. SPAH's objectives are to cultivate, develop, improve, foster, promote, preserve and advance the harmonica and harmonica playing. SPAH respects the colorful past of the harmonica, while advancing its acceptance as a bonafide musical instrument. Among the membership are individuals and entire families; accomplished musicians as well as beginners; the young and the senior citizen. Many of the members have played or do play the harmonica professionally. Their music styles, ranging through Country, Blues, Jazz, Popular and Classical, can be enjoyed via recordings or live performances. Harmonica Happenings newsletter included with membership.
Contact: Mr Douglas Tate, President
PO Box 865
MI 48099-0865
Email: HarpSPAH@spah.org
Web Page: http://www.spah.org
South Florida Harmonica Club
We have a membership of app. 45. We perform throughout S. Florida. We meet Tuesday from 7:30-9:30pm.in Margate.All Chromatic Players are welcome to join us.
Contact: Sidney (Mel) Katz
9111 Fairbanks Lane #5
Boca Raton
Florida, 33496
Twin City Harmonica Society
Contact: Al Papas, President
3629 - 37th Ave. South
MN 55406
Phone: (612) 729-3046
Valley Harpers of Virginia
Contact: Harry F. Bowen, Secretary
583 Cresthaven Ct
Front Royal
VA 22630-2328
Phone: (540) 635-7796
Email: jmaccr@shentel.net
Windy City Harmonica Club
Contact: Buzz Krantz, President
PO Box 24
IL 60559-0024
Phone: (847) 891-2106
Email: BuzzK87175@aol.com